Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security

Project Seminar: Privacy, Security and Trust in Emerging Technologies 


Basic Information
Type of Lecture: Seminar
Course: Master
Hours/Week: 2
Credit Points: 6
Language: English
Term: Summer 2015
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


Content of the Course


This master seminar consists of two administrative parts: the first one is the seminal paper on a chosen topic (80% of the final grade), and the second part is the presentation of the seminal paper (20% of the final grade). Participation in both parts is required for the successful completion of the seminar. The work is evaluated on individual basis (not in groups).
Registration for the seminar is mandatory. The online registration form will be available on the seminar page in the teaching section of our website. The maximum number of students allowed for this course is 30. If the maximum number of students is exceeded, the registration system will offer a waiting list for further potential participants. Once the registration deadline has expired, all course applicants will be notified via email about their final registration status.
Language: Basic language will be English (some topics can also be written in German, but there is no guarantee that students receive a German topic. The allocation of topics will take place during the first session)

Content of the course:
This Seminar focuses on privacy, security and fraud prevention technologies for communication services and topics offered will be divided on two different themes. The first theme will focus on fraud prevention techniques for telecom companies. The second theme will focus on the impact of privacy technologies in communication services such as social network services or messenger services. The available topics will be equally distributed between the two themes.
Topic 1 - Fraud Prevention techniques for telecom companies: Telecommunications companies are loosing billions of dollars because of fraud perpetrated by fraudsters in their services. According to Communications Fraud Control Association (CFCA), fraud is the use of telecommunications products and services with no intention of payment. There exist different types of fraud, some of them are: subscription fraud, roaming fraud, PBX fraud, and Premium service fraud. Although fraud are costing the telecom companies billions of dollars, there exist few risk prevention an detection techniques out there. Some of the fraud detection techniques studies so far are based on the customers’ call detail record (CDL) through their usage pattern. Unfortunately, this is not enough to prevent telecommunications fraud because fraud prevention techniques have not been studied thoroughly and we need to think wearing the hat of fraudsters. Therefore, the objective of this seminar is to carry out scientific investigation on fraud prevention techniques of existing telecom fraud (roaming, subscription and PBX fraud) and/or related fraud prevention techniques from other systems (e.g. banking systems) for complement.
Topic 2 - Impact of privacy technologies in communication services: The rapid growth of Web 2.0 services significantly changed selfrepresentation of individuals, social interaction between people, and their way of communication. However, these developments transfer known problems from the offline world to the online world involving new challenges. People can produce and upload content with personal information about themselves and share it with their network or the public. This information often remains persistent in the chosen communication service. Hence, it offers opportunities for conflicting situations. Privacy Technologies can work against such problems. The main focus of this theme of the seminar is in the sphere of existing solutions, scientific methods, approaches, and possibilities of privacy technologies in Web 2.0 services. 

[1] Macia-Fernandez, Gabriel, Pedro Garcia-Teodoro, and Jesus DiazVerdejo. "Fraud in roaming scenarios: an overview." IEEE Wireless Communications16.6 (2009): 88.
[2] Keromytis, Angelos D. "A comprehensive survey of voice over IP security research." Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE 14.2 (2012): 514-537.
[3] Rezac, Filip, and Miroslav Voznak. "Security risks in IP telephony." Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 8.1 (2011): 15-23.
[4] D. Richard. Kuhn, National Institute of Standards, and Technology (U.S.). PBX vulnerability analysis: finding holes in your PBX before someone else does [Washington, D.C, 2001]
[5] boyd, d. m. and Ellison, N. B. (2007), Social Network Sites: Definition, History, and Scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13: 210–230. doi: 10.1111/j.1083-6101.2007.00393.x
[6] Sánchez Abril, P., Levin, A. and Del Riego, A. (2012), Blurred Boundaries: Social Media Privacy and the Twenty-First-Century Employee. American Business Law Journal, 49: 63–124. doi: 10.1111/j.1744- 1714.2011.01127.x


Important dates for the seminar:
Kickoff Workshop (assignment of topics): 14.04.2015 10:00-12:00
Presentation of seminar papers: 25.06.2015 - 26.06.2015 9:00-18:00
Kickoff - Privacy, security and fraud detection solutions for communication services (15.04.2015)


Maximum participants: