PD Dr. Sebastian Pape
Former Members
+49 (0) 69 / 798 - 34668 (Phone)
E-mail & Home Page:
Research Interests
- Security & Privacy
- Human Factors
- Privacy Enhancing Technologies
- Serious Games & Gamification
- Modeling & Measuring Security & Privacy
- Security Management
- Applied Cryptography
- Security & Privacy in the Internet of Things
- Security & Privacy in Cloud / Edge / Fog Computing
Curriculum Vitae
Sebastian Pape is a senior researcher working at the Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security at Goethe University Frankfurt. He successfully completed diplomas in mathematics (Dipl.-Math.) and computer science (Dipl.-Inform.) at Darmstadt University of Technology and holds a doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the University of Kassel. From 2005 to 2011, he worked as research and teaching assistant at the Database Group (lead by Prof. Dr. Lutz Wegner) of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Kassel. From 2011 to 2015, he was a senior researcher and teaching assistant at the Software Engineering for Critical Systems Group (lead by Prof. Dr. Jan Jürjens) of the Department of Computer Science Department of TU Dortmund University. From October 2014 to January 2015, he also was a visiting researcher (of Prof. Dr. Fabio Massacci) at the security group of the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science of University of Trento. From October 2018 to August 2019 he was standing in as a professor for business informatics at Regensburg University.
Working with me:
I am always looking for good and committed students for bachelor and master theses. Currently, I have some specific topics available:
- A Serious Game to Foster a Better Understanding of the GDPR
- A Serious Game to Detect Attacks in Log Files
However, if you consider a topic related to security or privacy, in particular related to one or more areas sketched above, drop me a mail and we can discuss about other topics. In general, I offer topics within different focal points including (but not limited to) modeling and measuring systems and their properties, implementing frameworks or serious games, going from a strong focus on computer science (e.g. crypto / complexity theory / programming) up to highly interdisciplinary work considering the intersection of computer science and economics, psychology, law, etc.
PGP Key Id: 0x6FC3CFB0FD51D78E, Fingerprint: CBFE 6AB9 037F 4056 9C09 FBC9 6FC3 CFB0 FD51 D78E
- Sebastian Pape. 2017. "Technische Bedingungen wirksamer Verschlüsselung", In: DGRI-Jahrbuch 2016, Eds. Walter Blocher, Dirk Heckmann, Herbert Zech, https://www.dgri.de/index.php/fuseaction/download/lrn_file/dgri_jahrbuch_2016.epub.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2014. "Authentication in Insecure Environments -- Using Visual Cryptography and Non-Transferable Credentials in Practise", ISBN: 978-3-658-07115-8, http://www.springer.com/springer+vieweg/it+%26+informatik/datenbanken/book/978-3-658-07115-8, Springer Vieweg.
- Sebastian Pape. 2013. "The Challenge of Authentication in Insecure Environments", Universität Kassel.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2008. "Sicherheitsmodelle für das Ajtai-Dwork-Kryptosystem: Untersuchungen eines Kryptosystems mit Worst-Case / Average-Case Äquivalenz zum unique Shortest Vector Problem", ISBN: 978-3639043143, pp. 112, http://www.amazon.de/Sicherheitsmodelle-f%C3%BCr-Ajtai-Dwork-Kryptosystem-Untersuchungen-Kryptosystems/dp/3639043146/, Vdm Verlag Dr. Müller.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2004. "Sicherheitsmodelle für das Ajtai-Dwork-Kryptosystem", Lehrstuhl für Kryptographie und Computeralgebra, Fachbereich Informatik der Technischen Universität Darmstadt.
- Schmitz, Christopher; Schmid, Michael; Harborth, David; Pape, Sebastian. 2021. "Maturity Level Assessments of Information Security Controls: An Empirical Analysis of Practitioners' Assessment Capabilities", Computers & Security, Vol. (108), Elsevier.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2020. "How Nostalgic Feelings Impact Pokémon Go Players - Integrating Childhood Brand Nostalgia into the Technology Acceptance Theory", Behaviour & Information Technology, (39:12), pp. 1276-1296, DOI:10.1080/0144929X.2019.1662486, https://www.pape.science/files/publications/HP19bit.pdf, Taylor & Francis.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2020. "How Privacy Concerns, Trust and Risk Beliefs and Privacy Literacy Influence Users’ Intentions to Use Privacy-Enhancing Technologies - The Case of Tor", ACM SIGMIS The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, (51:1), pp. 51-69, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1145/3380799.3380805, ACM.
- Schmitz, Christopher; Pape, Sebastian. 2020. "LiSRA: Lightweight Security Risk Assessment for Decision Support in Information Security", Computers & Security, Vol. (90), Elsevier.
- Harborth, D.; Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.. 2020. "Explaining the Technology Use Behavior of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: The Case of Tor and JonDonym", Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs) (forthcoming).
- Pape, Sebastian; Schmitz, Christopher; Kipker, Dennis-Kenji; Sekulla, André. 2020. "On the Use of Information Security Management Systems by German Energy Providers", In: Fourteenth Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection (ICCIP 2020), Arlington, Virginia, USA.
- Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Pape, Sebastian. 2020. "Asset-Centric Analysis and Visualisation of Attack Trees", In: Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security (GraMSec 2020), Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2020. "Empirically Investigating Extraneous Influences on the "APCO" Model-Childhood Brand Nostalgia and the Positivity Bias", Future Internet, (12:12), pp. 220, DOI:10.3390/fi12120220.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2019. "How Privacy Concerns and Trust and Risk Beliefs Influence Users’ Intentions to Use Privacy-Enhancing Technologies - The Case of Tor", Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 4851-4860, Maui, Hawaii.
- Harborth, D., Cai, X., Pape, S.. 2019. "Why Do People Pay for Privacy- Enhancing Technologies? The Case of Tor and JonDonym", ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection. SEC 2019. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 562, pp. 253-267, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22312-0_18, Springer, Cham, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Hamm, P., Harborth, D., Pape, S. 2019. "Analysis of User Evaluations in Security Research", 1st International Workshop on Information Security Methodology and Replication Studies (IWSMR 2019), held in conjunction with the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Canterbury, UK.
- M. Hatamian, S. Paper, and K. Rannenberg. 2019. "ESARA: A Framework for Enterprise Smartphone Apps Risk Assessment.", 34th International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection (IFIP SEC 2019), Lisbon, Portugal.
- Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.. 2019. "Applying Privacy Patterns to the Internet of Things' (IoT) Architecture", Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) -- The Journal of SPECIAL ISSUES on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing, (24:3), pp. 925-933, DOI:10.1007/s11036-018-1148-2, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-018-1148-2.
- Goeke, L.; Quintanar, A.; Beckers, K. and Pape, S.. 2019. "PROTECT - An Easy Configurable Serious Game to Train Employees Against Social Engineering Attacks", In: Computer Security - ESORICS 2019 International Workshops, MSTEC 2019, Luxemburg, September 26-27, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, https://www.pape.science/files/publications/GQBP19mstec.pdf.
- Schmid, M.; Akarkach, K. and Pape, S.. 2019. "Comparison of different aggregated information security control maturities from {AHP} ranked companies (Extended abstract)", In: Preproceedings of IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management - Data for Better Living: AI and Privacy 2019 (IFIPSC2019).
- Hamm, P.; Harborth, D. and Pape, S.. 2019. "A Systematic Analysis of User Evaluations in Security Research", In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security, ARES 2019, Canterbury, UK, August 26-29, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1145/3339252.3340339, ACM.
- Harborth, D. and Pape, S.. 2019. "Investigating Privacy Concerns related to Mobile Augmented Reality Applications", In: Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Information Systems ICIS 2019, Munich, Germany, December 13-15, 2019, https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2019/cyber\_security\_privacy\_ethics\_IS/cyber\_security\_privacy/30.
- Stankovic, J. and Pape, S.. 2019. "An Insight into Decisive Factors in Cloud Provider Selection with a Focus on Security", In: Computer Security - ESORICS 2019 International Workshops, SPOSE 2019, Luxemburg, September 26-27, 2019, Revised Selected Papers, https://www.pape.science/files/publications/PS19spose.pdf.
- Schmid, M. and Pape, S.. 2019. "A structured comparison of the corporate information security", In: ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 34th IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2019, Lisbon, Portugal, June 25-27, 2019, Proceedings, pp. 223-237, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-22312-0\_16, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-22312-0\_16.
- Sekulla, André; Schmitz, Christopher; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Voklmar. 2019. "Demonstrator zur Beschreibung und Visualisierung einer kritischen Infrastruktur", In: Human Practice. Digital Ecologies. Our Future. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI 2019), 2019, Siegen, Germany.
- Harborth, D., Braun, M., Grosz, A., Pape, S., & Rannenberg, K.. 2018. "Anreize und Hemmnisse für die Implementierung von Privacy-Enhancing Technologies im Unternehmenskontext", Sicherheit 2018: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Beiträge der 9. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), pp. 13-26, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., Konstanz.
- David Harborth, Sebastian Pape. 2018. "Privacy Concerns and Behavior of Pokémon Go Players in Germany", Privacy and Identity Management. The Smart Revolution. Privacy and Identity 2017. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, vol 526, pp. 314-329, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92925-5_21, Springer, Cham.
- Sebastian Pape, Daniel Tasche Iulia Bastys, Akos Grosz, Joerg Laessig, Kai Rannenberg. 2018. "Towards an Architecture for Pseudonymous E-Commerce - Applying Privacy by Design to Online Shopping", To appear In: Sicherheit 2018: Sicherheit, Schutz und Zuverlässigkeit, Beiträge der 9. Jahrestagung des Fachbereichs Sicherheit der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..
- Dennis-Kenji Kipker, Sebastian Pape, Kristian Beckers. 2018. "Juristische Bewertung eines Social-Engineering-Abwehr Trainings", To appear In: ITS|Kritis Rahmenwerk.
- Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg Kai. 2018. "Easing the Burden of Security Self-Assessments", In: Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2018), Dundee, Scotland.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2018. "JonDonym Users’ Information Privacy Concerns", 33rd IFIP TC-11 SEC 2018 International Conference on Information Security and Privacy Protection, pp. 170-184, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-99828-2_13, Springer, Cham.
- Niklas Paul, Welderufael B. Tesfay, Dennis-Kenji Kipker, Mattea Stelter and Sebastian Pape . 2018. "Assessing Privacy Policies of Internet of Things Services", 33rd International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection -- IFIP SEC 2018, Springer.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2018. "Examining Technology Use Factors of Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: The Role of Perceived Anonymity and Trust", Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems, New Orleans, 2018.
- Pape, S. and Rannenberg, K.. 2018. "Cyber-Gefahren auf dem Radar", ManagementKompass: Unternehmen schützen -- Risiken minimieren, (November:03), pp. 9-12, https://www.soprasteria.de/de/newsroom/publikationen/publication/managementkompass-unternehmen-sch%C3%BCtzen-risiken-minimieren.
- Aladawy, D.; Beckers, K. and Pape, S.. 2018. "PERSUADED: Fighting Social Engineering Attacks with a Serious Game", In: Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business - 15th International Conference, TrustBus 2018, Regensburg, Germany, September 5-6, 2018, Proceedings, DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-98385-1_8, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-98385-1_8, Springer.
- Kristian Beckers, Veronika Fries, Eduard C. Groen, Sebastian Pape. 2017. "Creativity Techniques for Social Engineering Threat Elicitation: A Controlled Experiment", In Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2017 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Research Method Track, and Poster Track co-located with the 22nd International Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2017), http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1796/creare-paper-1.pdf.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2017. "Exploring the Hype: Investigating Technology Acceptance Factors of Pokémon Go", 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), pp. 155-168, DOI:10.1109/ISMAR.2017.32, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8115414/.
- Michael Sailer, Carina Hoppenz, Kristian Beckers, Sebastian Pape. 2017. "Förderung von IT-Sicherheitsbewusstheit durch spielbasiertes Lernen - eine experimentelle Studie", In Tagung der Sektion "Empirische Bildungsforschung" -- Educational Research and Governance (AEPF 2017), http://www.smjp.org/files/publications/SHBP17aepf.
- Kristian Beckers, Daniel Schosser, Sebastian Pape, Peter Schaab. 2017. "A Structured Comparison Of Social Engineering Intelligence Gathering Tools", In: In: Trust, Privacy and Security in Digital Business, pp. 232-246, https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-64483-7_15.
- Kristian Schaab, Peter Beckers, Sebastian Pape. 2017. "Social engineering defence mechanisms and counteracting training strategies", In: Information and Computer Security, http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/ICS-04-2017-0022.
- Dax, Julian; Hamburg, Daniel; Kreusch, Michael; Ley, Benedikt; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volker; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Terhaag, Frank. 2016. "Sichere Informationsinfrastrukturen für kleine und mittlere Energieversorger", Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik (MKWI 2016), Teilkonferenz IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen (Poster), Ilmenau, Germany.
- Dax, Julian; Ley, Benedikt; Pape, Sebastian; Schmitz, Christopher; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai. 2016. "Elicitation of Requirements for an Inter-Organizational Platform to Support Security Management Decisions", In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2016), Frankfurt, Germany.
- Welderufael B. Tesfay, Jetzabel Serna, Sebastian Pape. 2016. "Challenges in Detecting Privacy Revealing Information in Unstructured Text", Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web - Policy and Technology (PrivOn 2016) at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC) 2016, CEUR-WS.
- Kristian Beckers, Sebastian Pape, Veronika Fries. 2016. "HATCH: Hack And Trick Capricious Humans - A Serious Game on Social Engineering", http://ewic.bcs.org/content/ConWebDoc/56973.
- Peter Schaab, Kristian Beckers, Sebastian Pape. 2016. "A Systematic Gap Analysis of Social Engineering Defence Mechanisms Considering Social Psychology", In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2016), ISBN: 9781841024134, pp. 241-251.
- Kristian Beckers, Sebastian Pape. 2016. "A Serious Game for Eliciting Social Engineering Security Requirements", ISBN: 2332-6441, DOI:10.1109/RE.2016.39, http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7765507/, IEEE.
- Pape, S.; Flake, J.; Beckmann, A. and Jürjens, J. 2015. "STAGE -- A Software Tool for Automatic Grading of Testing Exercises -- Case Study Paper", In: ICSE '16: 38th International Conference on Software Engineering Companion.
- Tschersich, M.; Kiyomoto, S.; Pape, S.; Nakamura, T.; Bal, G.; Takasaki, H. and Rannenberg, K.. 2015. "On Gender Specific Perception of Data Sharing in Japan", In: ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection - 31st IFIP TC 11 International Conference, SEC 2016.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2014. "Sample or Random Security – A Security Model for Segment-Based Visual Encryption", In: Financial Cryptography and Data Security .
- Bleikertz, Sören; Mastelic, Toni; Pape, Sebastian; Pieters, Wolter; Dimkov, Trajce. 2013. "Defining the Cloud Battlefield - Supporting Security Assessments by Cloud Customers", In: Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E), pp. 78-87.
- Pape, Sebastian; Schöch, Christof; Wegner, Lutz. 2012. "TEICHI and the Tools Paradox. Developing a Publishing Framework for Digital Editions", Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative, (2:), pp. 1-16, http://jtei.revues.org/432.
- Pape, Sebastian; Schöch, Christof; Wegner, Lutz. 2010. "Bringing Bèrardier de Bataut's Essai sur le rècit to the Web: Editorial Requirements and Publishing Framework (Poster)", In: Poster at: TEI 2010, The 2010 Conference of the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium, http://www.sebastian-pape.de/fileadmin/docs/literatur/publ/1011-pape_schoech_wegner-tei_framework_poster.pdf.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2009. "A Survey on Non-transferable Anonymous Credentials", In: The Future of Identity in the Information Society, pp. 107-118, http://www.sebastian-pape.de/fileadmin/docs/literatur/publ/0907-pape-nontransferable_anon_credentials.pdf, Springer Boston, Brno, Czech Republic.
- Pape, Sebastian; Benamar, Nabil. 2008. "Using Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography with Images to Preserve Privacy", In: The Future of Identity in the Information Society, Eds. Fischer-Hübner, Simone; Duquenoy, Penny; Zuccato, Albin; Martucci, Leonardo, ISBN: 978-0-387-79026-8, pp. 299-310, http://www.sebastian-pape.de/fileadmin/docs/literatur/publ/0806-pape_benamar-id_based_pk_crypto.pdf, Springer Boston.
- Pape, Sebastian;Dietz, Laura; Tandler, Peter. 2004. "Single Display Gaming: Examining Collaborative Games for Multi-User Tabletops", In: Workshop on Gaming Applications in Pervasive Computing Environments at Pervasive '04.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2018. "German Translation of the Concerns for Information Privacy (CFIP) Construct", Available at SSRN, https://ssrn.com/abstract=3112207.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2018. "German Translation of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Questionnaire", Available at SSRN, https://ssrn.com/abstract=3147708.
- David Harborth, Dominik Herrmann, Stefan Köpsell, Sebastian Pape, Christian Roth, Hannes Federrath, Dogan Kesdogan, Kai Rannenberg. 2017. "Integrating Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Into the Internet Infrastructur", https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.07220.
- Ochoa, Martin; Pape, Sebastian; Ruhroth, Thomas; Sprick, Barbara; Stenzel, Kurt; Sudbrock, Henning. 2012. "Report on the RS3 Topic Workshop "Security Properties in Software Engineering"", http://opus.bibliothek.uni-augsburg.de/volltexte/2012/1865/, Universitätsbibliothek der Universität Augsburg, Universitätsstr. 22, 86159 Augsburg.
- Pape, Sebastian; Schöch, Christof; Wegner, Lutz. 2010. "A Framework for TEI-Based Scholarly Text Editions", http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hebis:34-2010111534956, Universität Kassel.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2009. "Some Observations on Reusing One-Time Pads within Dice Codings (abstract)", In: Tagungsband zum 10. Kryptotag, Workshop der Fachgruppe Angewandte Kryptologie in der Gesellschaft für Informatik, Arbeitsgruppe Algebra und Zahlentheorie, Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät II, Institut für Mathematik.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2008. "Templateless Biometric-Enforced Non-Transferability of Anonymous Credentials (extended abstract)", In: Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Weekend of Cryptography, Eds. Fleischmann,Ewan; Gorski, Michael, http://nbn-resolving.de/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:de:bvb:473-opus-1333, Weimar.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2008. "Embedding Biometric Information into Anonymous Credentials", In: Extended Abstracts of the Second Privacy Enhancing Technologies Convention (PET-CON 2008.1), Eds. Loesing, Karsten, urn:nbn:de:bvb:473-opus-1333.
- Pape, Sebastian. 2008. "A Survey on Untransferable Anonymous Credentials (extended abstract)", Pre-Proceedings of the IFIP/FIDIS Summer School on ``The Future of Identity in the Information Society'', Brno.
- Pape, Sebastian; Benamar, Nabil. 2007. "Using Identity-Based Public-Key Cryptography with Images to Preserve Privacy (extended Abstract)", In: {Pre-Proceedings of the IFIP/FIDIS Summer School on ``The Future of Identity in the Information Society'', Pre-Proceedings of the IFIP/FIDIS Summer School on ``The Future of Identity in the Information Society'', Karlstadt.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2020. "DATASET ON ACTUAL USERS OF THE PRIVACY-ENHANCING TECHNOLOGY JONDONYM", IEEE DataPort, DOI:10.21227/a66b-8443, https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/dataset-actual-users-privacy-enhancing-technology-jondonym.
- David Harborth and Sebastian Pape. 2020. "DATASET ON ACTUAL USERS OF THE PRIVACY-ENHANCING TECHNOLOGY TOR", IEEE DataPort, DOI:10.21227/734p-nx67, https://ieee-dataport.org/open-access/dataset-actual-users-privacy-enhancing-technology-tor.
- Schmid, M. and Pape, S.. 2019. "Aggregating Corporate Information Security Maturity Levels of Different Assets", Springer Boston.
- Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Terhaag, Frank. 2018. "Stand zur IT-Sicherheit deutscher Stromnetzbetreiber", Technical Report, https://dokumentix.ub.uni-siegen.de/opus/volltexte/2018/1394/, Universität Siegen.
- Dax, Julian; Ley, Benedikt; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volker; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André. 2017. "Stand zur IT-Sicherheit deutscher Stromnetzbetreiber", Technical Report, http://dokumentix.ub.uni-siegen.de/opus/volltexte/2017/1185, Universität Siegen.
- Dax, Julian; Ivan, Ana; Ley, Benedikt; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volker; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, Andre. 2017. "IT Security Status of German Energy Providers", Technical Report, https://arxiv.org/abs/1709.01254, Cornell University, arXiv.
- Wolf, Christopher; Pape, Sebastian; Porada, Ludger. 2010. "Leitfaden zur Gründung von GI - Studierendengruppen (GI-SG)", http://studierende.gi-ev.de/gliederungen/beiraete/beirat-fuer-studierende-und-auszubildende/hochschulgruppen/gruendungsleitfaden.html.
- Greveler, Ulrich; Laskov, Pavel; Pape, Sebastian. 2009. "Vorwort der Workshop-Leitung", In: GI Jahrestagung: Informatik 2009: Im Focus das Leben, Beiträge der 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI), 28.9.-2.10.2009, Eds. Fischer, Stefan; Maehle, Erik; Reischuk, Rüdiger, ISBN: 978-3-88579-248-2, pp. 186-190, GI.
Book Chapters
- Dax, Julian; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Terhaag, Frank. 2018. "Das SIDATE-Portal im Einsatz", State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pp. 145-150, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.
- Dax, Julian; Hamburg, Daniel; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Terhaag, Frank. 2018. "Sichere Informationsnetze bei kleinen und mittleren Energieversorgern (SIDATE)", State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pp. 29, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.
- Dax, Julian; Pape, Sebastian; Pipek, Volkmar; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher; Sekulla, André; Terhaag, Frank. 2018. "Stand der IT-Sicherheit bei deutschen Stromnetzbetreibern", State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, pp. 69-74, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.
- Hamburg, Daniel; Niephaus, Thorsten; Noll, Wolfgang; Pape, Sebastian; Rannenberg, Kai; Schmitz, Christopher. 2018. "SIDATE: Gefährdungen und Sicherheitsmaßnahmen", In: State of the Art: IT-Sicherheit für Kritische Infrastrukturen, Eds. Rudel, D. and Lechner, U., pp. 51, Universität der Bundeswehr, Neubiberg.