Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security
Best Demo Award at The Web Conference 2018 in Lyon

2018-05-03, News

Best Demo Award at The Web Conference 2018 in Lyon

The Web Conference 2018 has selected the “I Read but Don’t Agree: Privacy Policy Benchmarking using Machine Learning and the EU GDPR” paper by Welderufael B. Tesfay, Peter Hofmann, Toru Nakamura, Shinsaku Kiyomoto and Jetzabel Serna for the Best Demo Award. The paper proposes a machine learning based approach to evaluate lengthy privacy policies and present them in short and condensed notes that are easy to understand by ordinary users that would otherwise have difficulty comprehending the complex privacy policy document. It considers the EU GDPR for the development of the assessment criteria, and further takes a risk-based approach in order to draw the attention of users into the privacy aspects. Furthermore, the tool can also give actionable insights to privacy policy designers and data protection officers. During the conference, the demo could trigger heated discussions among privacy researchers, practitioners and lawyers on how privacy policy should be designed taking into account usability concerns and requirements from data protection regulations. 

« This is a timely contribution to helping users understand privacy policies on the web in an easy to use manner. » – The Demos chairs said.

The paper is a result of joint research efforts among information privacy researchers at the Deutsche Telekom Chair of Mobile Business & Multilateral Security at Goethe University Frankfurt, and KDDI Research Inc. in Japan